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Public employment

It is essential to have a lawyer who specializes in Public Employment. The public employment system is characterized by a regime of absolute job security, which prevents arbitrary and discretionary dismissals.

Public employment


The public employment system is characterized by a regime of absolute job security, which prevents arbitrary and discretionary dismissals. The only way to terminate the employment relationship is through administrative procedures that include the right to defense, the presentation of evidence, and any other necessary explanations or clarifications. Although there are a few exceptions to this rule, the purpose of this system is to protect public servants, who enjoy a level of job security unmatched in the private sector.

Public Employment Law

Public employment is governed by special regulations, with principles of administrative law applying. In addition to the framework of law on public employment, government agencies have their statutes, collective agreements, and internal regulations that govern labor relations. It is essential to research these norms beforehand to fully understand their application. Administrative law principles, particularly the national law on administrative procedures and its regulatory decree, also apply. Carefully studying these laws and regulations is crucial to avoid legal challenges arising from non-compliance.

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Areas of practice

Administrative Appeals

We challenge the legality and reasonableness of administrative acts through hierarchical appeals, reconsideration, and appeals for review.

Security forces

We provide legal counsel to military and security personnel. We contest dismissals, expulsions, and arbitrary terminations.

State liability

We file claims for damages arising from the state’s liability, both for lawful and unlawful actions, as well as for omissions due to the failure to fulfill legal obligations.

Public employment

We represent clients in administrative investigations, challenge dismissals, expulsions, terminations of hired personnel, reinstatements, and compensation claims.

Additional information

To provide effective legal counsel, it is crucial to identify the nature of the relationship between the private individual and the public administration, to determine the applicable legal framework and the appropriate legal remedy. Additionally, it is essential to have access to the administrative proceedings related to the act that is being challenged.

Urgent Legal Procedures

Constitutional Protection Actions.

We file constitutional protection actions, including habeas corpus when personal liberty is at risk, to safeguard fundamental rights guaranteed by the Constitution.

Interim Measures

We take swift action to impose temporary measures, restraining administrative authorities from violating your rights.

Declaratory Actions

We initiate declaratory actions to challenge the constitutionality of laws, decrees, regulations, and other legal acts.