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Administrative law

Our goal is to provide specialized legal advice in cases and disputes arising between public authorities and private individuals.

Administrative law


Our team is composed of highly qualified lawyers and professionals specializing in administrative law. We provide expert legal counsel in cases and disputes that arise between public authorities and private individuals. Administrative law is an independent legal field with its principles and sources, which makes it technically complex and requires specialized expertise. Our commitment is to deliver high-quality service and effectively resolve any issues related to this area of law.

Applicable Legislation

Administrative law operates within a system of local regulations, each corresponding to the jurisdictions recognized by the national constitution. Each jurisdiction establishes its regulatory framework for administrative law, making it crucial to assess each case in light of the relevant legal provisions. The national government, the City of Buenos Aires, the Province of Buenos Aires, and other provinces have their own procedural laws and regulatory decrees, all of which must be taken into account when handling specific matters.


Our services

Administrative Appeals

We challenge the legality and reasonableness of administrative acts through hierarchical appeals, reconsideration, and appeals for review.

State liability

We file claims for damages arising from the state’s liability, both for lawful and unlawful actions, as well as for omissions due to the failure to fulfill legal obligations.

Additional Information

To provide effective legal counsel, it is crucial to identify the nature of the relationship between the private individual and the public administration, to determine the applicable legal framework and the appropriate legal remedy. Additionally, it is essential to have access to the administrative proceedings related to the act that is being challenged.

Urgent Legal Procedures

Constitutional Protection Actions.

We file constitutional protection actions, including habeas corpus when personal liberty is at risk, to safeguard fundamental rights guaranteed by the Constitution.

Interim Measures

We take swift action to impose temporary measures, restraining administrative authorities from violating your rights.

Declaratory Actions

We initiate declaratory actions to challenge the constitutionality of laws, decrees, regulations, and other legal acts.